To grow our economy and attract high-paying jobs for working families, it’s imperative we provide a highly trained workforce for generations to come. That’s why voting YES for the $456.5 million Grayson College bond referendum is vital to the long-term success of our region. 

Developed with community input, the referendum will fund improved campus safety, pay for new buildings and housing to manage our growth, and provide new and updated facilities for training students in high-demand professions like nursing, welding, computer science, electrical engineering and HVAC repair.

Thanks to a long history of fiscally responsible planning by the Grayson College Board of Trustees, approval of the bond referendum will NOT increase our property tax rate. In fact, our property tax rate will be 15% lower than it was five years ago.

Gail Utter & Ronnie Cole
Co-Chairs, Friends of Grayson College

Yes! Career training for high-demand, well-paying professions.

Yes! Improved safety & security for our students & professors.

Yes! Additional instructional space & housing to manage our growth.

Yes! Basic maintenance, updates & upkeep for aging facilities.

Impact on
Grayson County

The bond referendum
will not increase
property tax rate.